zondag 12 november 2017

On premise to Cloud integration with Oracle Enterprise Contracts

During several conversion projects towards Oracle Enterprise Contracts we have used the method of integration through the database using UTL_HTTP.
The same method can be used for a full integration between for example Oracle eBusiness Suite on premise and Oracle Contracts Cloud. This article describes the contracts integration we've setup for several of our customers to integrate between Oracle eBusiness Suite on premise and Oracle Cloud Contracts. Note that you could also use any other (Oracle) database to implement the same, but in most of our cases we've used eBS. I hope this article will help to get you started on your own integration with Cloud Contracts as well!

The method consists of a number of webservices we call in a specific order to upload the contract, activate the contract and upload documents (attachments), like the signed contract.

To find information on the webservice itself you check Fusion Enterprise Repository (OER)
You should check under the sales section
for the Contracts Service

The URL for your WSDL is
https://(CRMDomain,Contract Management)/external-contractmanagement-contractsCoreTransaction/ContractService?WSDL

Something we encode as generic parameters in our service

 g_fs_user           varchar2(200)     default '...;
  g_fs_pswd           varchar2(200)     default '...';
  g_activity_ws       varchar2(200)     default 'https://....oraclecloud.com:443/appCmmnCompActivitiesActivityManagement/ActivityService';
  g_contract_ws_r10   varchar2(200)     default 'https://.../.oraclecloud.com/external-contractmanagement-contractsCoreTransaction/ContractService';

Usually we use lookups in eBS for this purpose. The lookup code in that case is the name of the environment, the description is the URL to the service. This way, post clone, the values will still be correct.

Generic method

In general what we did is
a) Create a global variable that contains the payload for the webservice with replaceable tags
b) Loop through the transactions you like to process
c) Transform, validate the data into what is required
d) Replace the tag in the payload with your value
e) Call the webservice

So for example the contract creation itself is a variable like

  g_contract_header_start varchar2(4000) default '' ||
    '     <typ:contractHeader>
            <tran:EstimatedAmount currencyCode="[CurrencyCode]">[AgreedAmount]</tran:EstimatedAmount>

During creation we loop through the contracts we need to create and fetch the necessary values. Now you may notice we need the contract type id for example. This is a value that exists in the cloud environment and not in the eBS environment. So how do we get that?

Get Translation Data

In order to get "translation data" like that, we create a datamodel in the BI environment of cloud that provides us with all necessary internal values and setup.
So this queries the legal entities that have been setup, the contract types, etc. We download this into an XML file and upload it to a table to use for conversions.

To upload the file we place the XML file on the server and upload it to a conversion table using SQL Loader

INFILE 'content.dat'
  INTO TABLE xxconv_test
    fname   filler char(80),

Then we convert the clob into XML and put it in our translation table. We've used the same method for several clients, hence we also use the client to see for which client this transformation was used.

  l_xml XMLTYPE;
  l_clob CLOB;
l_xml := xmltype.createxml (l_clob);

Now we have all our data in a table we can use queries like this. This shows all valuesets we have used for the flexfields for example, since we also want to validate the values in the flexfields before uploading.

select flex_value
, description
      SELECT Flex_Value_Set_Name, Flex_Value,Description
      FROM xxconv_okc_xml_all t
         , XMLTable('/DATA_DS/DFF_VALUESETS'
             passing t.IDS
               FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME       varchar2(240)     path 'FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME'
             , FLEX_VALUE       varchar2(240)  path 'FLEX_VALUE'
             , DESCRIPTION    varchar2(240)  path 'DESCRIPTION'
           WHERE t.client = G_CONV_CLIENT
    ) pt
    where pt.flex_value_set_name = 'Your_Valueset'

Step 1: Creating the contract

Now all the pieces are in place we can start creating contracts. So we loop through our transactions and for each we transform, validate the data. The main idea is shown below. You get the internal values and replace the tags in the generic header.

      l_bu := get_bu(...);
      l_contract_header := g_contract_header_start;
      l_contract_header := replace(l_contract_header, '[OrgId]',  l_bu);

To get the business unit we use a query on our transformation data, for example

    into l_bu_id
    , x_le_id
      ,      NAME
      FROM xxconv_okc_xml_all t
         , XMLTable('/DATA_DS/BU'
             passing t.IDS
               ORGANIZATION_ID    number(18)     path 'ORGANIZATION_ID'
             , NAME               varchar2(240)  path 'NAME'
    where t.client = G_CONV_CLIENT
    ) bu
    where upper(bu.name) like upper(l_bu_name || '%');

Depending on whether this is a BUY or SELL contract (which can be found in the setup of the contract type which we downloaded in our pre-liminary step), we also add suppliers or customers and their contacts. Or even other sub-parties can be added.

We also add the roles on the contract, like contractmanager, owner, buyer, etc with  their access level (* Note that during our conversion the access role READ did not seem to work).
A contract party could be something like

  g_contract_party_sell varchar2(2000) default ''||          
' <tran:ContractPartyContact> 
                 </tran:ContractPartyContact> ';

with its own tags to be replaced. Note that we downloaded the suppliers also first before we migrate the data.

Flexfields have a complexity of their own. Especially context dependent flexfields. So depending on the context (usually determine by the contract type), we add a generic flexfield structure and replace the tags. But we always validate the fields in the flexfields before uploading them.

For example a flexfield with the name of the legal rep.

l_context_iden :=   validate_dff (p_dff=> 'SG_LEGALREP',p_value=> r_cur.legal_rep,p_dff_desc=> 'Legal Rep);
l_contract_header_dff := replace(l_contract_header_dff, '[LegalRep]',l_context_iden);

Once we've build up our payload we call the actual webservice

We set the mapping

    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:ns0="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/contractService/types/" ';    
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:ns2="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/contractService/" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/contractService/types/" ';

Set the wallet

UTL_HTTP.set_wallet(g_ora_wallet, g_ora_wallet_pwsd);

I've described wallets before in

Then the header and authentication

l_http_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request(g_contract_ws, 'POST','HTTP/1.1');
UTL_HTTP.SET_AUTHENTICATION(l_http_request, g_fs_user, g_fs_pswd);

We configure the header

    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset="UTF-8"');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', LENGTH(p_req));
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'SOAPAction', 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/contractService/createContract');
Then we write the data in chunks

UTL_HTTP.write_text(l_http_request, l_chunkData);

And perform the call

 l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request);

To read back the response we also use a temporary lob.

 dbms_lob.createtemporary(x_clob, FALSE );
    dbms_lob.open( x_clob, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite );
   l_info := 'read text';
        utl_http.read_text(l_http_response, l_buffer);
                          , length(l_buffer)
                          , l_buffer);
      end loop;

End the response


On errors we can subtract the fault string

l_resp_xml := XMLType.createXML(x_clob);
      SELECT  extractValue(l_resp_xml, '/env:Envelope/env:Body/env:Fault/faultstring', l_ns_map)
      INTO    l_fault_string 
      FROM    dual;

And finally we save the response in our progress table for reporting purposes.

Step 2: Activating the contract

The second step is to activate the contract IF it should be activated of course (usually depending on start and end date). We do the same stuff as for creating the contract, but just a different operation.

 l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:ns0="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/transaction/transactionService/types/" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:ns2="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/transaction/transactionService/types/" ';
    l_ns_map := l_ns_map ||'xmlns:ns1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/transaction/transactionService/" ';

And operation

UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'SOAPAction', 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/contracts/coreAuthoring/contractService/updateContractToActive');

Step 3: Uploading documents 

The documents may be more complex, depending on where the documents reside. If they are on the server we need to load them into BLOBs before sending. To do that we need to create a directory in DBA_DIRECTORIES to read it.

An attachment payload looks something like this

l_req := '
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:typ="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/crmCommon/activities/activityManagementService/types/" xmlns:obj="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/crmCommon/objects/objectsService/">

Depending on whether it's a buy or sell contract we replace ECM_BUY with ECM_BUY or ECM_SELL.

We get the file from the file server, escape all XML in the filename, description etc. And then open the wallet and do our call again.

 UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'SOAPAction', 'http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/crmCommon/activities/activityManagementService/createAttachment');
To get the file from the server we use something like this. So each file is encoded into base64 before sending.

procedure get_file
  ( p_dir  IN VARCHAR2
  , p_file IN VARCHAR2
  , x_skip out varchar2
    l_bfile BFILE;
    l_step  PLS_INTEGER := 12000;
    l_bfile := BFILENAME(p_dir, p_file);
    DBMS_LOB.fileopen(l_bfile, DBMS_LOB.file_readonly);
    if dbms_lob.getlength( l_bfile ) > 0
      FOR i IN 0 .. TRUNC((DBMS_LOB.getlength(l_bfile) - 1 )/l_step) LOOP
        p_clob := p_clob || UTL_RAW.cast_to_varchar2(UTL_ENCODE.base64_encode(DBMS_LOB.substr(l_bfile, l_step, i * l_step + 1)));
      END LOOP;
      x_skip := 'N';
      x_skip := 'Y';
    end if;
    when others
  end get_file;    

Some tips 

In the current release (11 and I also think 12) deliverables were not available in the webservice.

We also used a static transformation table, but of course it's possible that you first need to fetch data before you send up your contract information. In order to do that you would have to call a reporting webservice first, fetch the XML data, place it in your transformation table and then upload your contract.
Depending on how often the data changes this may or may not work. For example, downloading all suppliers/customers before uploading a contract is not what you want to do right? So you make sure this is synchronized in an earlier stage and you focus on the contract itself.

dinsdag 26 september 2017

Integration OPA Cloud and Oracle eBS (12.1.3) iProcurement - part 3 (close window)

In the current release of the Oracle Policy Automation model we were using, we could not close the interview window at the end. You can however navigate to another window using an URL.
So what we did is create a simple HTML page with java script that closes a window and navigate to that.

Add close link in your model

On the close button in the model we change the style and refer to one of the input parameters we load using the LoadRequest (see previous blog).

The parameter (start_url) refers to the htm page that closes our window.

Place the HTM file on a location you can reach

In order to do this in eBS we place this file in $OA_HTML on the applicationserver, fetch the link using the profile APPS_SERVLET_AGENT and concatenate it with our HTM file to pass the link to OPA.

The HTM file contains the following logic

<script type="text/javascript">
function closeWP() {
 var Browser = navigator.appName;
 var indexB = Browser.indexOf('Explorer');

 if (indexB > 0) {
    var indexV = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') + 5;
    var Version = navigator.userAgent.substring(indexV, indexV + 1);

    if (Version >= 7) {
        window.open('', '_self', '');
    else if (Version == 6) {
        window.opener = null;
    else {
        window.opener = '';

else {
<body onload="closeWP();">

zaterdag 23 september 2017

Integration OPA Cloud and Oracle eBS (12.1.3) iProcurement - part 2

We described earlier some of the initial operations we need to do to integrate OPA with Oracle eBS. Below you see an overview of the rest of the operations. So we have a model for OPA, which we create in the model designer. A model needs to be deployed to be usuable as runtime.
In the model we invoke the GetMetaData to get the data structure and the valuesets we like to use in our interview.

So each time something changes in your data structure or valuesets, you need to do a GetMetaData in the model and deploy the model to the runtime version.

During runtime you have two options
1. Start
2. Resume
These options use their own URLs to start the interview and also invoke other services. The start invokes the LoadRequest, where the resume invokes the GetCheckPoint to resume an existing interview from the point you saved.

The load request loads initial data from your datamodel, which can be used as input parameters for the interview. When you called the interview we can pass an initial parameter in the URL as well. We used that to indicate the user, responsibility and a unique ID to identify the record in our table. Of course you want to encode those parameters, so we used DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT.Desencrypt to encrypt these parameters into one connection string.
When you then get the LoadRequest, it passes back your initial parameter so you can decrypt it and identify the user, authorization and the record we are creating/updating.

First thing we do then is a fnd_global.apps_initialize, because the user calling our webservice through the Integrated SOA Gateway is a generic user.

Our LoadRequest procedure looks something like

procedure LoadRequest
  root                 IN  VARCHAR2
, region               IN  VARCHAR2
, language             IN  VARCHAR2
, timezone             IN  VARCHAR2
, request_context      IN  xxgr_opa_t_RequestContext
, seedDataDescription  IN  xxgr_opa_t_Tables
, loadData             OUT xxgr_opa_t_LoadData
, error_msg            OUT VARCHAR2
, Status               OUT varchar2

Here the seedDataDescription contains a list of entities and fields the interview is requesting from us. So you have to check which specific fields the service wants and pass values for those back. You cannot pass more values (service will fail).

We also use a translation for booleans, because Y/N values in the database should be translated to true/false values for the service and return type boolean, where we cannot use booleans in our data structures directly.

What we actually did is draw a sequence number and pass that as parameter on the interview. As soon as we got the LoadRequest back we created our record in the database with that sequence (because we were creating entities using the interview and until we get some feedback back from the interview we do not actually need the record).
During SetCheckpoint and SaveRequest we continue processing our record.

Information we pass on the load is stuff like the name of the user that called the interview, his organization, etc.

Drawback is that we can return an error to the webservice, but OPA cannot handle that. It will not show the error message we send back (just a generic error).

During your interview you can save the data so you can resume later. Those are called checkpoints. The hub call call the SetCheckpoint to save a base64 encoded zip file of the interview. That zip file contains an XML containing variables entered in the interview; so if you want to you could unzip and decode the information and actually store structured data in between save points.

procedure SetCheckpoint
  request_context   IN xxgr_opa_t_RequestContext
, checkPointData    IN xxgr_opa_r_CheckPoint_Data
, checkpointId      OUT varchar2
, error_msg         OUT varchar2
, Status                 OUT varchar2

So setting a checkpoint is merely saving the blob data given our context (request_context). That contains again the parameter(s) we passed to the initial URL, which is our encrypted key with user information.

In our specific case we would create purchase requisitions from our interviews, so this was the moment we actually created the requisition and related our interview (using a custom table) to it.

When you are done with your interview you can submit the data using a save request operation.

procedure SaveRequest
  root              IN  VARCHAR2
, region            IN  VARCHAR2
, language          IN  VARCHAR2
, timezone          IN  VARCHAR2
, request_context   IN  xxgr_opa_t_RequestContext
, submitData        IN  xxgr_opa_t_submit_data
, attachments       IN  xxgr_opa_t_attachments
, auditReport       IN  xxgr_opa_t_audit_report_list
, updateData        OUT xxgr_opa_t_UpdateData
, error_msg         OUT VARCHAR2
, Status            OUT varchar2

This is the most complex operation, because now we get all the structured data in the submitData including attachments and auditreports.

There are some restrictions on attachments in the service. You can restrict the size of files in OPA, but the SOA Gateway also may have its own restrictions. We also had a service bus in between with memory restrictions, so we had a limit of max 40MB on files. But note that on each setcheckpoint it would send any attachments in the base64 encoded zip that you already uploaded. So it's good practice to add your attachments as late as possible in the interview to avoid a lot of data traffic.

The submitData contains two parts
- The input fields
- Request for output fields

The latter is a request after the submit (which you can use in the OPA model) to pass back some information. So we capture the fields that are requested to pass them back later after we are done (for example to pass a requisition number).

        FOR i in 1 .. submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).outputfield.count 
          L_Outputs (submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).outputfield(i).name) := submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).outputfield(i).name;
        END LOOP OutputFields;

Then we loop through all the input fields, validate the input and store the data. Of course we could store the names as indexes in a table, but we still need to identify per field what we want to do with it.

      FOR i in 1 .. submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).inputfield.count

               IF   submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).inputfield(i).name = 'DESCRIPTION' 
               AND  submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).rowAction = 'update'
                  l_description := submitData(l_det_ind).submitRow(1).inputfield(i).data_val;
               END IF;

Note that we can have multiple entities (l_det_ind), with multiple rows and multiple fields. In our specific case we only had one main record, but multiple sub records. So we used submitRow (1) here, but otherwise we would have used  loop.


Now we get 2 types of attachments. You get the main report IN the data and a separate attachments parameter.


contains the attachments on our main entity.

So finally we validate our input, update our record and return a message back. This message can be shown, if you use the LoadAfterSubmit option in OPA. It loads information you can give back, so we can show error and warning messages if necessary.

In our current release you can only submit once. After that you need to close the interview and re-open it to make changes.


Then finally the get check point operation, which is used if you resume an interview. We simply read the base 64 encoded string (zip file) and pass that back to the webservice.

procedure GetCheckpoint
  request_context   IN xxgr_opa_t_RequestContext
, checkPointData    OUT xxgr_opa_r_CheckPoint_Data
, error_msg         OUT varchar2
, Status                 OUT varchar2

So this is pretty straightforward. The only thing we also do, on all operations, is check whether the user is allowed to do this. For example you cannot do a Load if you aren't logged in right now. And you cannot submit if you were not logged in today.

zaterdag 3 juni 2017

Integration OPA Cloud and Oracle eBS (12.1.3) iProcurement - part 1

In my current project we've created a custom integration between Oracle iProcurement (12.1.3) and Oracle Policy Automation in the cloud (release 12.2.5). I like to share some lessons learned from this project and help along others who might need to build an integration between eBS and OPA Cloud.

First you need to understand the basic integration between OPA cloud and its environment. You call the cloud environment using an URL with some parameters. Then OPA cloud performs calls to your environment using the connection framework you have to develop based on predefined WSDLs OPA is prescribing.

Your connection framework needs to be able to receive SOAP calls and answer appropriately. Since we want to connect to Oracle eBS and we started out with creating APIs in the eBS environment (PL/SQL packages) which could be exposed to OPA.

To expose them we could have build BPEL processes using SOA Suite calling our API's directly of course, but since we could not use SOA Suite (domain restrictions), we've used the Integrated SOA Gateway in eBS.
Unfortunately the SOAP responses generated by Integrated SOA Gateway were not exactly what OPA Cloud expects and you are very limited in steering the respons created by the SOA Gateway because the WSDL is automatically generated based on your PL/SQL packages. So therefore we needed a translation between the SOA Gateway and OPA, the ESB.

Integrated SOA Gateway
Now there are some points which are important when you use the Integrated SOA Gateway here .. First, the input and output parameters to the procedures are complex datatypes, which all kinds of nested tables of records of tables of records. You cannot define these as types WITHIN your PL/SQL package (otherwise you can't get you package deployed as a webservice), so you have to make object types like

type xxx_opa_t_metatable is object
( name                     varchar2(80)
, can_be_input               varchar2(10)
, can_be_output               varchar2(10)
, description               varchar2(240)
, accepts_attachments         varchar2(10)
, table_fields               xxx_opa_t_MetaTableFields
, table_links               xxx_opa_t_MetaTableLinks

as separate types in the database.
For each service you can find the input and output parameters described in the OPA Documentation: http://documentation.custhelp.com/euf/assets/devdocs/august2016/PolicyAutomation/en/Default.htm#Guides/Developer_Guide/Connector_Framework/Expose_application_metadata.htm%3FTocPath%3DDeveloper%2520Guide%7CConnector%2520framework%7C_____2

Our package header is stored in a pls file with the following annotations

create or replace package                xxx_opa_wsep_pkg as
/* $header: apps.apps.apps.xxx_opa_wsep_pkg $ */
* ebs opa webservice connector
* @rep:scope public
* @rep:product XXX
* @rep:lifecycle active
* @rep:displayname eBS OPA Webservice Connector EBS Endpoint
* @rep:compatibility S

Including functions for each of the operations

which we will describe in more detail later.

The checkalive function is used in the OPA Cloud environment to check if there is a valid connection. It sends back a very simple SOAP response

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <check-alive-response xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/policyautomation/hub/12.2.2/metadata/types"/>

To give you an idea on the required translation when using Integrated SOA Gateway, this is what our CheckAlive function returns by default


So this needs to be translated into the response required by OPA.
If this service works, you can see the connection is green in the OPA Hub.

In our case we did not directly communicate with the service bus, but we had to pass a load balancer, an open tunnel, some firewalls and then we reach the service bus, which connects through some firewalls with the Oracle eBS environment.

The GetMetaData service exposes the datamodel from eBS that can be used in OPA to map fields. OPA is aware of a lot more types than Oracle including currency, time, etc. We cannot create object types with booleans either, so if we want to indicate that some field is a boolean we define it as text (which may hold values like true/false) and we have to tell OPA this field is a boolean.

The metadata also contains any list of values you want to use in OPA. Note that OPA should not be used as a form to enter values (like select a supplier, select an employee), but you can use select lists for smaller lists to choose an answer from.

In our example we added list of values for line types, unit of measure and item categories, where we made dependent valuesets between the segments.
Important to understand in dependent valuesets is that the the main valueset contains all its children. So if you have one segment Animals including Mammal, Hoofed animal, etc and Hoofed animal includes Cow, Horse, etc, you would send list one Animals with child Hoofed animal and all its children and then a second list of Hoofed animals (and a third with mammals), etc.

For each field in your data element you specify whether it is an input or output field, whether it is required and the type. And as said, since we only have text types in Oracle for our booleans, we have to indicate this is actually a boolean to OPA so it can treat it as a boolean and pass true/false back.

Just an example of how our code was build up. We fetched all columns from a given view and passed them in our case all as input/output, but of course you could make this more complex by defining in a lookup which fields can be inputs or outputs to OPA.

  FOR F IN C_Fields (cp_table_name => 'XXX_REQUISITION_DETAILS_V')
       nr_of_cols := nr_of_cols + 1;

       l_can_be_input := 'true';
       l_can_be_output := 'true';
       l_is_required   := F.Is_Required;

  l_data_type := F.Data_Type;
   IF F.Column_Name = ( my list of boolean columns ) THEN l_data_type := 'boolean'; END IF;

     l_tableFields := xxx_opa_r_MetaTableFields (F.Column_Name,l_data_type,null,l_Can_Be_Input,l_Can_Be_Output,l_Is_Required,Initcap (F.Column_Name));
     lt_tablefields (nr_of_cols) := l_tablefields;
  END LOOP Fields;
  Metatable := xxx_opa_t_metatables();
  MetaTable (1) := xxx_opa_t_metatable ('XXX_REQUISITION_DETAILS_V','true','true','Request','true',lt_tablefields,null);

Next time we will describe the Load and Saverequests in more detail and the checkpoints.

zaterdag 21 januari 2017

PAAS, the magic word

Since customization in Oracle Cloud applications is not possible (next to personalization of course) the new magic word I keep hearing is 'but you can use PAAS'. Sigh of relief right?
But what does this mean?

PAAS is a nice acronym for 'a machine' that is located 'somewhere' with 'some kind of tooling on it'.  In case of PAAS it's actually a machine in the cloud, handled by an external party (Oracle in this case).

So what is the idea behind 'we can create customizations using PAAS'? Actually what we are saying is that you need a machine to build your customizations and you can connect it to your SAAS application. You can fetch data from it using available web services or BI queries (also accessible as a web service) and you can write back data using web services. But only if the service is available! So if there is no service for it, you cannot automatically get data back into your SAAS application.

Now this machine where we build our customization on could be anywhere. It could be a local machine, you can rent it at a hosting company or rent is as a cloud service. Only in the latter case we actually speak of PAAS.

And if I have this PAAS environment, what do we still need to do?
You've got to have the tooling on it to build the customization! So let's assume we want to build some kind of fancy front-end, so we need ADF. We probably need a local database and we probably also need SOA Suite if we want to develop processes (although calling web services can be done in ADF as well of course).
So you always need a Database Cloud Service (DCS) and next to it you could use a JCS (Java Cloud Service) and install your own ADF/SOA Suite on it. Of course you would have to maintain the applications (keep them up to date with the versions you need, keep them running).
But you could also rent a SOA Cloud Service which would have the latest SOA version. This may be a good or a bad thing depending on what you want.
If the SOA Suite version changes, you may get into trouble with the services you've build to connect to SAAS of course, so you would have to keep track of each time it's changed underneath you.
Both methods have their advantages and drawbacks.

Of course to build the customizations you don't specifically need a PAAS environment, you could also use your own datacenter or hosted environment as you might do now. It depends on total cost of ownership eventually.

And WHAT can I build once I have my environment?
You can build custom screens containing custom logic, fetch data from your SAAS application, manipulate it and write back data. As said, writing back is a bit restricted, because a service MUST be available to be able to do that. Of course there are more and more services coming up, but we notice that a lot of the services still are missing certain elements (for example you can create a contract, but not risks and deliveries related to the contract).

So you can't actually change an existing form in SAAS, but you could copy it and rebuild it in your own application and skip the original form in the SAAS application. It's clear that would not be the reason why you bought the SAAS standard application in the first place ;-).
I would advice to restrict whatever you build next to SAAS is an addition, and not replacing functionality ..

Anyway .. as an application custom developer I see enough opportunity to be building customizations still for SAAS applications,  but I want to emphasize that PAAS is not the magic word that solves your problem. It's a fancy way of saying that you can build custom logic, forms, etc on an external environment (either in cloud PAAS or on premise/hosted environment).
