Set Layout
If you want to run your program using BI Publisher and you want to add a specific layout, it's best to specify that in your coding using.Language will be US or NL for example. Output format ofcourse depends on your program, but can be PDF.
The variable v_result_r is a boolean.
v_result_r := fnd_request.add_layout
template_appl_name => l_application_short_name
, template_code => l_my_template_code
, template_language => l_language
, template_territory => null
, output_format => l_output_format
Set Printer
If you want the output to be printed,you set the print options just before you submit your program.The variable v_print_opt is a boolean.
v_print_opt := fnd_request.set_print_options
( PRINTER => l_printer
, COPIES => l_nr_copies
Submit Program
After setting the print options and layout options you submit your program. You can use current time or have it wait a little if necessary.The variable l_request_id is a number.
You can hard code the application short name or fetch it on forehand. Add this in a cursor or subprocedure for example
select a.application_short_name
into l_application_short_name
from fnd_application a
, fnd_concurrent_Programs p
where p.concurrent_program_name = l_conc_prog_name
and p.application_id = a.application_id
Then submit your program
l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
( application => l_application_short_name
, program => l_conc_prog_name
, start_time => sysdate
, sub_request => false
, argument1 => l_param1
, argument2 => l_param2
, ...
-- Important to commit!! In forms you may want to set the
-- message level very high to avoid getting a message about it.
v_message_level := :system.message_level;
:system.message_level := 20;
:system.message_level := v_message_level;
-- Usually you also display a message if l_request_id = 0,
-- because in that case it could not submit your program.
-- Either because it lost focus (lost login information)
-- or your program/application combination does not exist.
Wait for request to finish
In some cases you want to wait until your submitted program has finished. Either to display results or submit another program.The dev_status returns ERROR, CANCELLED, TERMINATED in case of errors. You add a max wait to make sure your program does not keep waiting for ever. Don't wait for your current program (FND_GLOBAL.Conc_Request_Id) to finish ;-).
l_phase VARCHAR2(240);
l_dev_phase VARCHAR2(240);
l_dev_status VARCHAR2(240);
l_message VARCHAR2(240);
l_conc_status BOOLEAN;
l_status VARCHAR2(240);
(request_id => l_request_id
,interval => 5 -- Sleep 5 seconds between checks.
,max_wait => 600
,phase => l_phase
,status => l_status
,dev_phase => l_dev_phase
,dev_status => l_dev_status
,message => l_message
Query to find programs run today
This query shows you all concurrent programs that have run today.
SELECT fcp.user_concurrent_program_name,
flv.meaning status,
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp,
fnd_concurrent_requests fcr,
fnd_lookup_values flv
WHERE fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND trunc(fcr.last_update_date) = trunc(SYSDATE)
AND flv.lookup_code = fcr.status_code
AND flv.lookup_type = 'CP_STATUS_CODE'
AND flv.language = USERENV ('LANG')
ORDER BY fcr.request_date,
fcr.request_id DESC;
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